The buyers of Mercedes-Benz cars, known as the ‘Aurangabad Group' consist of doctors, builders, industrialists and professionals. An elated Mercedes-Benz India managing director Wilfried Aulbur said there is tremendous economic power in tier-two and tier-three cities of India. 'Today, it came to the fore in a bold, aggressive and dynamic manner with the sale of 150 Mercedes-Benz cars at one stroke.'

For 32-year-old industrialist Rishi Darda, it was a dream come true when more than 120 swanky
Mercedes Benz cars were delivered in Aurangabad on Thursday by
Benz managing director Wilfried Aulbur himself. In January 2010, some like-minded industrialists led by Darda had set up Aurangabad group to promote the bulk booking of Mercedes Benz cars.
Initially, the response was lukewarm in view of the huge cost of the car. However, later, when the group initiated a dialogue with leading financial institutions and the firm, there was a slow, but steady rise in club membership.
Between January and September, the membership crossed 160. As a result, the car manufacturing company decided to visit Aurangabad to deliver the cars. On Thursday, at a colourful function, Aulbur personally handed over the keys to 120-and-odd individuals. "Certainly, its a proud moment for all of us. It marks a different kind of development. It also indicates that Aurangabad has potential for development," said Darda.
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