Posted on
  • Saturday, October 16, 2010
  • by
  • Partha
  • in
  • THE OTHER side of 40 just got a big boost from a few sexy singletons. And they aren't men. The hot bachelor men with their salt 'n' pepper appeal may have kept the above - 40 bracket hot and happening for a long time but it's the women who are returning the favour this time around. With style. A recent survey by Vanity Fair put actress Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry, both over 40, on top of the list as America's most eligible singletons
    In this youth-obsessed world where a bevy of beautiful young women are playing rough to be in the spotlight, a new breed of 40 plus women are slowly and steadily turning the spotlight on themselves with their classy sophistication and cool confidence. They are re-defining sex appeal in a way that's very different from what the world has understood so far.

     Keep your eyes open and you will find quite a few of these 40-plus women around you - women who are redefining the fourth decade of their lives in a whole new way. Nearer home, actress Aishwarya Rai is defying Bollywood stereotypes by being counted among the top five actresses who are in-demand.
     Supermodel Christy Turlington, who turned 40 last year, was on the cover of US Vogue, and was chosen to star in the ad campaign for Yves Saint Laurent. Designers all over the world have begun to represent the age on the ramp. Pandey says, "The dignity with which the 40-year-old carries her body adds to their charm. They carry themselves with far more confidence that's in-built, and that's what attracts men


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